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Suyash Singh Bitti
Suyash's Blog ~ Embedded bits & bytes!


I have worked on projects on firmware development, microcontroller board design, linux device drivers, linux systems programming, socket programming, etc. Here are some of the projects that I have done, the list isn’t exhaustive though.

STM32F070 Board

Work in Progress
STM32F070F6 is a 32-Bit ARM Cortex M0 microcontroller from ST micro. The micro comes in TSSOP package which makes it easy to hand solder.

My intention for designing the board was to practically learn PCB desgin using KiCad. However, the project taught me much more than just pcb design. It gave me gimplse of the entire project development life cycle that goes into desgining a board from a concept:

  • Capturing Specifications for the project
  • Schematic Design for the Project
  • Designing footprint libraries for components not avaialable in standard libraries
  • Physical Routing
  • Design workflow in KiCad
  • Selection of components for the project
  • Generating gerbers and getting board fabricated from Board house
  • Generating BOM and getting components ordered from Component Vendors: I had a few setbacks in this stage. Some of the components went out of stock and got back ordered from the time of schematic design to sending gerbers to fab house.
  • Board checks after fabrication

As of now the project is currently in hold. I would have to take out time to get it done soon. Here is the link to the project page on github.

Realtime CAN Data Dashboard

This was my major project for completion of PG Diploma in Embedded system Design at C-DAC. There were two units in the project: a data acquisition unit and a data display unit. The two boards were interconnected via CAN. The data acquisition unit ran FreeRTOS for managing the tasks. IPC mechanism: Event registers was used for synchronising producer(tasks that reads sensor) and consumer(task the sends CAN messages) tasks in the system.

You can find more about the project on projects section of my linkedin page.